Promising Young Woman 12/31/2020

Promising Young Woman - Movie Review Critic Score - 9 of 10 General Audience Score - 8 of 10 Promising Young Woman is a film that will captivate audiences of all kinds. This movie is doing so much and so little at the same time. Let me explain. It's main character isn't doing anything extraordinary, in fact, she's never seen doing anything that many would label as extreme through the first two acts. But the acts our protagonist does do are very specific, they are like pieces of a puzzle that we're working through and putting together as we collect them. The pacing is very good, even if it does lag for a brief moment here and there. But this screenplay and story are top notch with some good, if not great, dialogue to keep us in the moment with her. But the movie is very hard to get a good read on, as soon as you think it's heading in a certain direction, you can be assured a great plot twist is about to smack you in the face. The overall story is really fairly simple...